As with any other professional or workplace responsibility, failure to follow any Board policy which applies to any College employee may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge where appropriate. Before any discipline is administered, the College will follow applicable established administrative procedures with respect to non-bargained for employees, and applicable provisions of any collective bargaining agreement.
In addition, any policy which addresses a term or condition of employment is not intended to supersede any express provision in any collective bargaining agreement. In the event of any unintended conflict, the express provision of the collective bargaining agreement will, as a routine matter of the College's intent and established law, control.
Section: 1.000 - Board Bylaws
Section: 2.000 - Governance Policies
Section: 3.000 - Student and Instruction
3.010 - Academic Amnesty
3.020 - Academic Due Process
3.030 - Academic Records
3.040 - Academic Standing
3.050 - Approval of New Courses and Programs
3.060 - Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
3.070 - Assignment of Credit Hours
3.080 - Canceling Course Sections
3.090 - Classroom and Laboratory Visitation
3.100 - Credit for Previously Acquired Knowledge and Learning Experience
3.110 - Dual Enrollment Program
3.120 - Eligibility for In-District, In-State, Out of State or International Tuition
3.130 - Ethics and Standards of Conduct for Students
3.140 - Granting of Additional Associate Degrees
3.150 - Partnerships
3.160 - Program Review
3.170 - Student Attendance
3.180 - Student Complaints
Section: 4.000 - Human Resources
4.010 - Advocacy - Freedom of Speech
4.020 - American with Disability Act (ADA) Reasonable Accommodations
4.030 - Children in the Workplace
4.040 - Drug and Alcohol
4.050 - Employee Personnel Records
4.060 - Employment of Relatives (Nepotism)
4.070 - Ethics and Standards of Conduct for Employees
Supplement to Standards of Conduct
4.080 - Evaluation
4.090 - Family and Medical Leave Act
4.100 - Just Cause
4.110 - Nondiscrimination
4.120 - Prohibited Sex or Gender-Based Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
4.120b - Prohibited Sex or Gender-Based Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
4.130 - Remote Work
4.140 - Severance
4.150 - Sick Leave
4.160 - Social Media
4.170 - Staffing
Section: 5.000 - Finance
5.010 - Audit
5.020 - Capital Projects
5.030 - College Investments
5.040 - External Community Sponsorship
5.050 - Financial Oversight and Monitoring
5.060 - Purchasing
5.070 - Student Tuition and Fees
5.080 - Supplanting
Section: 6.000 - Administration and Facilities
6.010 - Acceptable Use
6.020 - Advertising/Underwriting
6.030 - Emergency Management and Preparedness
6.040 - Facilities Use
6.050 - Identity Theft Protection
6.060 - Information Security
6.070 - Intellectual Property
6.080 - Naming of Facilities
6.090 - Occupational and Environmental Safety
6.100 - Records Management
6.110 - Smoking
6.120 - Sustainability
6.130 - Utilization of College Resources Off-Campus
6.140 - Weapons
6.150 - Workplace Violence
Section: 7.000 - Miscellaneous
7.010 - Ethics and Standards of Conduct for Trustees
7.020 - Hiring and Contract Approval
7.030 - Policy and Procedure Development